- If you wish to book a regular mentorship with Av Neryah through the purchase of a Mentorship Package, you just need select “Mentorship Package” and select the desired package by clicking “Add to Cart.”

2. Subsequently, you will be prompted to provide your name, email, and phone (optional). The field “Add notes to business” can be left empty.
Then click “Continue to Payment.”

3. Then, you must choose your payment method: Credit or debit card secured via Stripe or payment via PayPal.
If you prefer by credit/debit card, you will be prompted to enter your billing and payment information, which is securely processed through Stripe.
If you select PayPal, you will be taken to Paypal’s website to conclude the order.

4. Upon completion of your order, you will receive a certificate code via both your browser and email. To schedule your session, simply click “Schedule” and you will be redirected to the scheduling page where you can choose your desired session date.

5. After booking your session, you will receive a message indicating the number of sessions remaining in your package. You can immediately book another session to reserve a future slot. You also have the option to create an account, which allows your information to be securely saved for future scheduling or when you wish to make new bookings.

If you have any questions, please contact us.