Kriya Yoga Exposed [Updated Version]

Kriya Yoga Exposed
The truth about Kriya Yoga gurus and organizations.
Going beyond Kriya Yoga into nonduality.
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New Updated Version:

This is a new, updated version of “Kriya Yoga Exposed.” While it is a better and more complete version, it preserves what made the original volume one of the best-selling and most revolutionary Kriya Yoga books these past few years.

It still contains all the powerful keys that helped thousands of seekers find freedom from the trap they were in, and upgrade their kriya practice and understanding toward nonduality and Self-Realization.



This is not your typical guide to Kriya Yoga. It is something you’ve never seen before.

This is for those who are sick of the secretiveness of Kriya Yoga and all the taboos.

They just want the end of misery and are sick of this ego-game played by countless gurus and organizations.

This is not a publication with cliché yoga theory and no practice instructions. It gives powerful direct teachings and actual instructions. Even if you know nothing about Kriya Yoga, you will learn something profound and inspiring since the whole book is filled with high-level teachings of yoga, nonduality, and spirituality.


What you will find in the book:

  • Disclosing the types of Kriya Yoga gurus and organizations that you may encounter and how to navigate through such muddy waters without becoming trapped;
  • The story, purpose, and current state of Kriya Yoga;
  • Profound exposition between the monastic and householder kriya paths;
  • Revealing the often misunderstood “Inner Guru” and its nature;
  • In-depth explanation of the whole spiritual process of Kriya Yoga;
  • The sharing of a discovery regarding the Higher Kriyas—the Final Kriya—never shared before in the literature of Kriya, will boost your practice into nonduality;
  • The most efficient and powerful techniques of the First Kriya, with detailed instructions on how to quickly achieve Khechari Mudra not found anywhere else;
  • The strongest Kundalini awakening technique and how to use it with Kriya Yoga;
  • The ultimate question of whether Kriya Yoga can lead you all the way to true enlightenment will be answered;
  • Lahiri Mahasaya and other true Kriya Yoga gurus’ words will be used throughout the book to support what is written;
  • And much more.


This book will help you become free from the dogmas and beliefs created by Kriya gurus, organizations, and literature, and also help you awaken the essential discernment needed to take that vital step forward, toward yourself, toward your true Self, the infinite consciousness within you.

Tearing the seemingly invisible web where many kriya seekers find themselves is not an easy task but a necessary one. Many of those still enmeshed in it will reject this book at first—but hopefully, a seed is planted, and sooner or later, it will awaken their discernment toward a huge enlightening breakthrough.

Ultimately, for a kriya yogi, it is all about finding one’s blissful being through the practice of Kriya Yoga—and no one has a patent on that. It belongs to each sincere seeker.